Waupaca County
Post - Waupaca, WI - February 8, 1934 - Ogdensburg

Community Club postponed their meeting Monday and it will be held next Monday , February 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Russell and Douglas of Manawa called at E. E. Russell’s Sunday.

After an illness of several weeks, Mrs. Ada Hopkins died Friday, February 2.  Funeral was held Tuesday from the Baptist church, Rev. H. S. Vreeland of Baraboo, former pastor here, conducting the services.  Deceased leaves one daughter (Gail), Mrs. A. L. Moore, and one brother Harlan Livermore.  Many other relatives and a host of friends to mourn her departure.  Interment in Park
Cemetery.  Sympathy goes out to the sorrowing ones.

Wesley Hanna and E. E. Russell were in Waupaca Monday

Miss Janet Rice of Milwaukee has been visiting her parents.

Mrs. O. G. Olson was a Waupaca visitor Saturday.

Mrs. Eugene Gilboe entertained several ladies Wednesday.

Mrs. Florence Peterson who went to Stevens Point Sunday had to return the next day on account of the illness.  Mrs. Eva Jasman left Wednesday to take her place.

Mrs. Ellen Jasman of Waupaca has been visiting friends.

Mrs. Margaret Owens’ brother who was threatened with pneumonia is out again.

Mr. and. Mrs. R. J. Doughty and Miss Nellie Doughty were Waupaca visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. West of Lind Center spent Sunday evening at the Russell home.

Miss Tillie Frank of Manawa has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Jasman.

Young People’s Society will hold their meeting this week at Earl Lytles.

Mrs. Vernon Soule and Miss. Kathryn Elsbury were in Waupaca Monday.

Mrs. Sybil Shambeau and little Patricia of Green Bay visited her sister, Mrs. Effie Hanna the first of the week

Cedar Lake

Lottie, Daniel and Harold Button and Russell Hansen visited Alfred Haase’s Friday

Gary Christenson visited Eugene Peterson Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Larsen and family spent Sunday at Will Knutson’s

Whipporwill Club was entertained by Mrs. W. B. Hobson Wednesday.  Next meeting Wednesday, February 14, with Mrs. John Suhs.

Normal Bucknell, Margaret Wandtke, Harold Snyder and Gordon Bucknell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bemis Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Linnie Wilson and family visited John Suh’s Sunday

A son, Robert Duane, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson on Tuesday, January 30.

Mrs. George Button, Julia and Dorothy called at Carl Hansen’s Thursday.

Isabel and Lucillia Heald visited Leo Zemple’s Sunday

Waupaca County Post – Waupaca, WI -  Thursday, February 15, 1934


The payment of taxes in the village was extended from Feb. 10 to March 10 without penalty at a meeting of the village board Feb. 6.  Any taxpayer not able to pay taxes by that date must sign an affidavit in order to win an extension to June 1.  The following men were named at the meeting to serve on the spring election board:  Guy Kinsman, Chairman; A. B. Averill and Joseph Gigl, Jr., Clerks; Frank Walker and Henry Eaton, Ballot Clerks; Marlyn Zuehlke and Stanley Pitt, Inspectors.  Only $3,000 of the $8,943.47 village tax roll has been paid to Treasurer N. H. Johnson up to February 10.  Taxes are considerably lower this year for all purposes.  Half of the amount of tax money in the town of Fremont up to Feb. 10 has been paid according to Treasurer, Ray Brooks.  The board granted the extension of tax-paying time in June 1 without interest for those who found it impossible to pay their taxes by March 1.  An affidavit must be signed and filed with the town treasurer, Mr. Brooks, on or before March 15.

Mrs. George Peters was guest of honor at a surprise party at her home Sunday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary.  During the evening bunco was played.  The first prizes going to Mrs. Martin Kuehl and Arthur Seefeldt; second prizes to Mrs. Walter Wohlt and Eldor Wohlt.  Refreshments were served.  Mrs. Peters was presented many useful gifts.  Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siewert of Oshkosh and Mrs. Florence Wohlt, Waupaca.

A group of friends surprised Mrs. Clifford Lind on the occasion of her 35th birthday anniversary Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kinsman.

Mrs. Paul Zuehlke was hostess to the Bunco Club Friday.  Prizes were awarded Mrs. John Drews, Mrs. Frank Looker, and Mrs. Arthur Hahn.

A group of relatives from here attended a dancing party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Niemuth, Zittau Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Niemuth’s and Mrs. Emil Niemuth’s birthday anniversaries.

The monthly meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Ladies’ Aid Society was held Wednesday with Mrs. Roland Wells, Mrs. Frank Wendlandt, and Mrs. John Yankee as hostesses.

Special Lenten services will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran church beginning on Wednesday evening in the German language. Communion will be celebrated.  English services will be alternated each week.

Mrs. Fred Sasse, Mrs. Frank Sasse, and Clarence Schierland attended the funeral of a great-aunt, Mrs. Pauline Gehrke, 85, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Manawa, Friday.

William Puls, Marlyn Zuehlke, and R. W. Sommer attended the winter tournament of the Wisconsin Skeet League at Milwaukee Sunday.

A series of talks were given by students of the history class of the local high school to the student body in commemoration of Lincoln’s birthday Monday afternoon.  Prin. Jillson gave a talk on “Incident in Lincoln’s Life”.

The board of education reopened the primary department Monday morning after being closed for a week by reason of chicken pox.


Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sawyer announce the arrival of a daughter, Alice Olive Monday February 5.

Mrs. N. L. Baker is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Dale Sawyer and family at Grants.

Mrs. Ruth Cheek entertained a few of the Junior Aid members Thursday afternoon at a quilting bee for the Aid.

Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and children Loraine, Helen, Robert and Betty Dean of New London spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Baker.

Norman Baker and son Charles spent Sunday at the Dale Sawyer home.

Mrs. R. Gotham, Mrs. B. Waid and Mrs. Will Sanders called on Mrs. Jacob Ciura recently.  The latter is recovering nicely.  She fell and broke her arm recently.

Mrs. Otis Baker entertained the Ladies Aid Wednesday for dinner.

The Sunday school will give a radio review and social at the hall Friday evening, February 23, 8 p.m.  Small admission charged.  Everyone is invited to attend.

Mrs. R. J. Gotham spent the weekend with her son Floyd and family.

Mrs. Will Hebard and Mrs. Archie French called on Mrs. O. Baker and Mrs. Lynn Pope and little son Gary Lynn Monday afternoon.

Rev. Cheek and daughter Ruth and Muriel Waid attended the Rural Club Monday evening at Golden Hill School.

A number from here attended the  entertainment at Ware’s school Friday evening.

The Men’s Brotherhood held their monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the hall with Carl Helwig of Waupaca as speaker.


Mrs. Louie Schroeder gave a surprise birthday party for Louie Wednesday evening.

The Agricola’s are invited to a Valentine party Monday evening to be given by the Gorgona’s.

Brena Gibson and mother were guests at the Tom Potts home on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Casey of Royalton visited at Geo. Potts Saturday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Collier returned from Oshkosh Wednesday where she has spent a couple of months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collier.

Mrs. Caroline O’Berg will entertain the Rural Bridge Club on Thursday afternoon.

Lynn Barlow has a position at headquarters at Beaver Dam.

The next meeting of the Gorgona’s will be at the home of Mrs. C. Schrock, Mrs. Harry Testin, Leader.  Topic:  “American Music”.

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