The Tribune
- Clintonville, WI - May 31, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt went to Oshkosh, Wednesday to visit over Decoration Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Johnson and son returned home Tuesday evening from an auto trip to Unity, Wis.

T. G. Roberts of Westfield was a Clintonville visitor Tuesday. Mr. Roberts is wise and knows that Clintonville is a good town to visit.

Ray Harris, of Crandon, a former Clintonville boy, visited last week at the Aug. Jannusch farm and with other friends in this community.

Wednesday afternoon as Mrs. Herman Gast of Larrabee, was driving her family horse to the buggy along Main Street, with her baby in the seat with her, she got into a mixup with an auto. If the two young men had not promptly stopped the horse, it might have been a serious accident. Luckily, no one was hurt.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brady of the Crandon Republican, acme to the city Monday, to visit a few days in the home of Mrs. Brady's parents., Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ruth. Mrs. Frank Brady, mother of Harold, came over Wednesday for the Memorial Day celebration. She is a sister of Chas. and Herman Folkman and Mrs. John Meisner. Harold Brady enjoys the distinction of having been born in the Queen City of the Pigeon Valley, then only a princess. His father sounded the Tribune, and Harold had his first lesson in the "art preservative" in the Tribune office. No wonder he is a fine newspaper man and owner and operator of the Crandon Republican. He made the Tribune a pleasant visit while here.

The Tribune - Clintonville, WI - June 7, 1918


The Waupaca Post - Waupaca, WI - July 18, 1918

Mrs. Scott of Manawa visited her sister, Mrs. P. E. Boynton, during the week.

Ward Hanna has enlisted in the aviation corps, and will leave for Chicago Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Czeskleba and family of Waupaca visited at T. W. Czeskleba's Sunday.


Herman Schmoll expects to leave this week to enlist for Uncle Sam.

Howard Kettleson expects to leave soon for training camp.

Mrs. Carpenter left Monday for a several weeks' visit among friends and relatives.

Miss Jo Scanlon is visiting an uncle at Omro.

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