Oshkosh Democrat
- Oshkosh, Wisconsin - March 14,1851
(Click on photo to enlarge.)


Oshkosh Democrat - Oshkosh, Wisconsin - July 25, 1851


AT a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waupaca county, held at Mukwa, May 6th 1851, it was Resolved, and agreed to by the Board, that the county of Waupaca would pay a bounty of FIVE DOLLARS for each Wolf killed in that county. The person killing said Wolf will have to go before a Justice of the Peace of said county, and make oath that the said Wolf was killed in Waupaca county, when the said Justice of the Peace shall cut off the right ear and destroy the same and give a certificate to said person. TYLER CALDWELL, PETER MEIKLEJOHN  Supervisors. JAMES SMILEY Clerk  May 1C—11-3m

Weekly Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - August 06, 1851

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