Transcribed by Paula Vaughan  June 2003

From the Physician's Report


To The Honorable Board of Trustees of Waupaca County Insane Asylum

GENTLEMAN: I present herewith my ninth annual report of the medical, surgical and sanitary conditions of the asylum for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1911.

In making this report I have nothing new to offer. The general sanitary and hygienic conditions of the institution are well up to the high standard of previous years. There has been no expidemics or sickness of a preventable nature and only two deaths due to acute illness.

The necessary surgery has consisted of one burn caused by falling on a hot radiator during an epileptic fit; three cases of fracture and one case of shock following an attempt escape by jumping out of an upper window.

I have made ninetynine visits during the year which, according to the instructions of the State Board of Control, must be visits of inspection as well as caring for the immediate needs of the sick. It gives me pleasure to state that I have always had the most cordial co-operation of the Superintendent and matron in attempting to keep the sanitary conditions of the building and premises at the highest possible point of perfection with the means at our command. I attribute our success in this direction to the vigilance of our superintendent and matron and to the hearty support they have always given every measure calculated to improve the condition of the patients. Not only has the food, drink, sleeping apartments, heating, ventilation, exercise, occupation, etc. received careful consideration but those in the immediate care of the infortunates have shown a spirit of kindness and patience that is very commendable and has done much to mitigate the mental suffering and anguish so common among this class.

We have had eight deaths during this year as follows: John Graper, died July 5th, 1910, age 66, cause, cystis and uremia; Lydia Anderson, died July 7th, 1910, age 86, cause, senile marasmus; John Webb, died July 30th, 1910, age 51, cause, acute hepatitis; Nels Anderson, died Sept. 10th, 1910, age 79, cause, shock from fall’ Ernestine Wagner, died Oct. 26th, 1910, age 65, cause of death, tubercular osteo-myelitis; Emil Johanneson, died Nov. 28th, 1910, cause, sudden heart failure,; Clarissa Casey, died April 14th, 1911, age 78, cause, pneumonia; O. A. Rich, died June 18th, 1911, age 83, cause, senile dementia.

It will be observed that advanced age and chronic conditions played the most important part in the death roll.

The sunning porches which I recommended in a former report are materializing and will be ready for occupancy with the approach of inclement weather. I am anticipating pleasant results among those too old and feeble to bear the rigors of our fall and winter climate.

In closing I wish to thank your honorable board for your co-operation and assure that every courtesy has been fully appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,
E. H. Jones, Physician


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